Human Design
Greetings, friends. What a wild day today has been . Here in Houston some of the streets were flooding this morning. The flooding situation went from bad to worse, and I had to pull over into a parking lot of a business and wait for my husband to come “rescue” me in his truck. I was then able to use his truck to continue on to work, but that got my day off to a rather eventful start.
I informed my boss today I might not be working for him much longer, seeing as I'm making the big bucks now. I received an email with my first monthly royalty statement on my audiobook this morning--a whopping $5.74. He took the news well. :-P But seriously, I was psyched. Some of the royalty was from library services. It's neat to think that something I wrote is getting out there in the world.
In some ways nothing really has been happening, and in other ways I feel like big things are taking place. Foundation stones are being laid for whatever is coming, one interaction at a time—a book I read, a podcast I hear, a writing exercise I do. I’ve been concentrating on the theme of remaining open to impossible possibilities, of feeling grounded and cared for while at the same time allowing myself to sit in the ebb and flow of the human experience, of feeling my feelings while not being swept away by them.
On my way into work, I had a small vision of what my unique Win in life could look like. That vision has been a long time in coming. Using the Go For Your Win course by Aubrey Marcus, I had formulated a mission statement finally, but still hadn’t known quite what that could look like, in regards to a profession and fulfilling my life’s purpose. I told my husband that this revelation happened this morning and he asked if I wanted to share what it was. I said, “No, not just yet. It feels like such a small flame of an idea, that just talking about it could put it out.” He totally got it.
For my upcoming birthday, I ordered for myself my Human Design report from the ladies at DayLuna. Human Design is currently my THING right now. Before, it had been the Enneagram, and believe me, I still dig all the wisdom and tools the Enneagram has to offer; but HD has me fascinated, if not overwhelmed by its complexity. I have been binge-listening to the DayLuna Human Design Podcast, and I highly recommend anyone who is interested in learning the tools that play to their individual strengths to give them a listen. I’m interested in seeing if my HD chart reinforces the “vision” I had this morning for my future or whether I may need to allow my quest to evolve further to better align with my gifts. I also know timing is everything, so I’m trying not to rush or force anything to happen. In the past I’ve been the kind of person that wants things to happen NOW—not tomorrow, not next week. I’m also super interested to know whether the indicators show that I can best fulfill my life’s purpose in conjunction with another creative, or if I’m wired/designed to function more independently. Even if someone believes Human Design or birth charts or anything remotely related is a bunch of hoopla, I think everyone can acknowledge that we have differences and that we can try to appreciate each other for them, instead of in spite of those differences.