62. Mental Health Journeys, Moodboarding, & the Necessity of Dreaming with Cyberfae Ingrid
Ingrid’s word: Imaginative
Second-hand Studio “Providing curated gender neutral designer/vintage fashun goodies a place to live:” https://www.instagram.com/secondhand.studio/
Holisticism Hub community (free!). Join by clicking here: https://tinyurl.com/mv3wpnck
Tik-tok video featuring a workout: https://www.instagram.com/p/CWOyVqsD5Ga/
Krista Amar Atma Schilter’s Golden Nuggets: Big Angel Energy ~ “A 40-day collaborative movement medley to feel good.” https://www.goldenchainforever.com/workshops/bigangelenergy
Root-to-rise, fitting baby grand piano into NYC apt: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/147-power-of-embodiment-expanding-ability-to-feel/id1569196897?i=1000547736268
My interview with intuitive tarot reader Sequoia on how intuition is like sex: https://www.aprilific.com/podcast/sequoia
My podcast episode “We Could Have Used More Cats” https://www.aprilific.com/podcast/cats
Apps: Astro Future, The Pattern (add me as a friend @aprilific)
SoulCollage, listen to my conversation with SoulCollage instructor Emilie Collins: https://www.aprilific.com/podcast/3-guest-artist-emilie-collins
Spirit Speakers podcast, Episode 40. “Numerology” with Natalie Olson. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/numerology/id1472069036?i=1000546697614
Ingrid’s Teachers:
Human Design, including teacher Pea the Fear-y. IG: https://www.instagram.com/peathefeary/
Kaitlyn of spiritgardentarot.com
Ways to connect with Ingrid
Insta (personal): https://www.instagram.com/cyberfairywench/
Insta (professional): https://www.instagram.com/cyberfaery.space/
Website (sign up for Ingrid’s love letters here): https://msha.ke/cyberfaeryspace/
April's offerings and ways to connect:
Website: www.aprilific.com
Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/38beb6f8e764/aprilific
Patreon: www.patreon.com/aprilific