78. WTH, Saturn?!: Navigating Challenging Chart Aspects with Dana Augustine

Dana has a 1/4 profile in Human Design. Her experience in teaching and curriculum development is evident in the elegant and yet easy-to-understand way she explains astrology. We talk about full moon energies, dignitaries, chart rulers, houses of rejoicing and detriment, "difficult" placements and aspects in one's natal chart, and the moving way Dana "found" herself and her calling in astrology. #alcoholism #peoplepleasing #astrologersofinstagram #selfsovereignty #selfleadership

Dana's Word: Trust

Dana's Teachers/Teachings:
1. Acyuta-Bhava Das, Nightlight Astrology - www.nightlightastrology.com & Nightlight Astrology on YouTube
2. You have the power; a spiritual journey is about you being in your power, not living someone else's journey.
3. Don't let your past define you. Every moment is a choice to decide to be the person you want to be.

Ways to Connect with Dana:
Instagram: @selfhelpwitch
Website: www.selfhelpwitch.com
Podcast / YouTube channel: Self Help Witch

Ways to Connect with April:
Instagram: @thesandboxpod and @april.the.poet
Website: www.aprilific.com
Podcast / YouTube channel: Scheffy's Sandbox
Patreon: patreon.com/aprilific


79. All Smiles & Sunshine, I’m Sure: A Solar Return Reading by Fire Moon Transformations


77. Improviding Life with Lori: Life Can Be More Livable