93. The Language of Aesthetics with Monty Montan
Welcome to the Sandbox! Today, we’re diving into the Language of Aesthetics with the incredible Monty. She’ll share her insights on how you can tap into this inner dialogue to unlock your own Soul-Self aesthetic.
Monty’s Word: Jouska
Monty’s Teachers:
Kate Northrup (https://relaxedmoney.com/backdoor/)
Rob Brezsny (https://freewillastrology.com/) and his book Pronoia Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings
Rick Rubin’s book The Creative Act: A Way of Being
Angostura bitters
Fugues podcast
Rhythm Zero in Greenpoint, Brooklyn
The One You Feed podcast “How to Unlock Your Creative Potential through Writing with Natalie Goldberg”
Pussy: A Reclamation by Regena Thomashauer
Holisticism Hub (my invite link: https://holisticism.mn.co/share/WHajNl2I_-qFmZtw?utm_source=manual)
“Broad City” sitcom
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
Astro Style workshop at barneyandflow.com
Astrology readings by @kpkaszubowski (IG)
AI result: “The phrase "ichigo ichie" is a Japanese proverb that means "one lifetime, one encounter". It originated in the 16th century with the tea ceremony master Sen no Rikyu. Rikyu taught his students to focus on each moment of the tea ceremony with sincerity and total attention because each moment is unique and will only happen once.”
Ways to Connect with Monty:
Website: https://montymontan.com/
Offering details (with prices): https://montymontan.com/hello/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/monty_montan/
Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@monty_montan?lang=en
Ways to Connect with April Dawn:
Website: www.SandboxAlchemy.com
Dream Guidance or Small-Group Dreamwork Membership: www.TheDreamTranslator.com
Patreon: patreon.com/SandboxAlchemy Tiers: FREE / $1 Fluffle / $5 Pom-poms / $10 Thunder / $30 Galactic
For book lovers, my novelette Sandra: A Healing Reimagining of the Babysitter from Hell is available in paperback, ebook, and audiobook (includes Kindle and Audible).
Podcast’s YouTube channel: @thesandboxpod