How to Dust off the Akashic Records
Photo by Janko Ferlic from Pexels
For me it’s day 221 since first opening my own Akashic Records. I know some of us “read” differently. For those, like myself, who write down what comes through, I wanted to share what I’ve found helpful in maintaining my practice.
CONNECTING: Most evenings I sit down at my desk, turn on a lamp for nice ambient lighting (nothing too harsh), and play some 428hz music on Spotify. I usually play the same song each time, “428HZ Frequency Healing Meditation Music” by Miracle Frequency Music (at an impressive 3 hours long, you won’t hear an abrupt song end) and turn it down low enough where it’s not distracting. I light some incense, waft the incense smoke to encircle my area as I pray for “love and light” and imagine the golden bubble of protection. I then take out a single sheet of lined notebook paper and a favorite pen and lay them on my cleared desktop surface (clutter is not my friend). As I say my name in the opening verse, in my mind’s eye I’ll watch myself take a book off a shelf that has my name embossed on the leather-bound cover. (As a side note, I’ll ask myself what color my book is that day.) As I remove the book, it triggers the bubble around me to become “live” with electricity. I’ll even imagine the hiss and spark as the bubble’s surface engages and connects the 3D with the 5D+. My mental pictures have changed over time, but that’s the exercise I have currently.
READING: I like the single sheet of lined notebook paper because it gives me an idea of when I’m “done.” I have this “understanding” with the Akashic Records that I’ll fill up both sides of the paper but the expectation is not to go further, and…. it works with me! The Akashic Records keeps things to the point. If it doesn’t say much in answer to one question, I’ll continue with a second question until I get to the end of the sheet. There have been some really beautiful, exceptional sessions in which I’ll fill up two sheets front and back, but those are rare. Sometimes I don’t know what to ask, so I’ll ask the AR that first — “What should I ask?” Or I go to the ever-ready standby, “What do you want me to know for today?”
RECORDING: I have a password-protected page on my blog in which I then go onto and type out what I’d just written. This serves several purposes for me. While I’m often conscious of what message the Akashic Records is getting at as I handwrite, sometimes I’m writing down too quickly to quite “get” the complete story, so typing it out makes it come together in my head and emphasizes the point of the message to me. I do consider this space of my records to be rather sacred, thus this page is not public at this time. I have shared the password with a few friends I trust and knowing that they will be reading has been motivation at times to keep going, to keep connecting, to keep seeing what the Akashic Records has to say to me, and thus to whomever else reads it as well. That being said, if there is something personal in the reading that relates to an individual in my life, I may type X instead of the person’s name, or I’ll omit that section altogether, or I won’t post that night’s reading at all. Whatever my intuition says. I added a search bar to my blog page which has been uber-helpful in helping me find past readings regarding a topic such as, “I think the Akashic Records told me something about anger or my dad or my best friend who stopped talking to me or some synchronicity around the number 4. What exactly was that?” And I can easily go back and read that helpful direction from the Universe.
SYNCHRONICITIES: One of my favorite things though is what I’ll add at the end of each reading’s entry. I’ll include these words: “Background, Synchronicity, & Integration Corner:” I love this! So many times the Universe will echo in a podcast I hear or book I read what it had told me in an Akashic Records reading the night before. It delights me to go back and document the synchronicities in this section of the blog entry. It really brings the Akashic Records readings alive to me and keeps me engaged.
Awhile back I documented yet another AR synchronicity in my blog and I had this to add: “The truth nuggets that come through these sessions with the Akashic Records are of course not mine, nor anyone else’s, to hold alone. The wisdom is there for everyone, and is ancient and modern at the same time. It has both been known and is becoming known, as people forget and remember, as individuals and societies. What is neat about channeling truth in a AR reading and then hearing it repeated by others shortly thereafter is that these synchronicities serve as confirmation that I am connected directly to the heart of the Universe. It’s personal. There’s nothing miraculous about regurgitating what I’ve just heard from other teachers, so these confirmations coming after my readings strike me as very profound and loving affirmations from the Universe that although my connection to Source is not a solitary one (and who would want that responsibility anyway? we’re a team!) it is an authentic, real, raw, and rewarding experience.”
Published on on March 26, 2021. Link to article viewable by clicking HERE.